Woo hoo! Back to today! I've been wanting to put wreaths above our couch for a couple of years now but never wanted to spend the money on it. Michaels had a Daily Deal today, though, with 18 and 24" wreaths for $2 each. Perfect! I went and bought 3 and each one has a theme. Now, as of this picture, they weren't done yet. But I was too excited that I actually went through with my idea that I couldn't wait to take a picture. :) From left to right they are: ornaments Ashlyn made (there are more, just not up yet and some are going to be made later), ornaments that are about Aaron and me (from our honeymoon, 1st Christmas, anniversaries), and then our Disney wreath. I still want to play with it a little, because I'm not sure I like it (it looked so much better in my head), but I'll see how I feel about it in the morning. I kinda liked it a lot better before the ornaments were on them... we'll see. And yes, it would look much better without the annoying red thing in the middle of the wall, but that's what goes off if someone pulls the fire alarm in our building, so it can't exactly go anywhere. It's loud as anything, so it totally could have gone somewhere a little less, you know, in the middle of everything, but whatever. Rant over.
That's a cute idea! They look really good so far!